It's fantastic moving home, especially if you move somewhere you longed to be, and find yourself in a better place.
I am now in a place I love -Manchester- where I feel at home and also close to the people that truly count in my life besides my boyfriend and my daughter, oh, and our pooch of course.
I found myself in Manchester and I, most of all, I learnt to love myself in this beautiful city.
Our move has proved to be a good choice so far as we are enjoying living in here much much more.
I remember thinking I was going to exile when I moved to Dewsbury, and a lot of times it felt that way.
Never the less I am grateful for that time, I can even say that just before we moved here I had made peace with the fact that I was living there and tried to take the best out of it.
Being alone and sometimes lonely is actually very cathartic; as out of my element as I felt, I think I proved myself that I could find something good in really any situation: good or bad.
Plus, I had the time I need to look inside and find what I wanted without distractions, and I did find a lot of new dreams and hopes.
But, being here is a joy and I am not surprised the move happened in a moment when I was more contempt, as who knows me well also knows that I believe in The Law Of Attraction and what you attract matches the mood/vibe you give out.
I also believe that we can still manage to get something good out of many sad situations.
Today I had some sad news about someone I cared about, I realised that they touched me more than I thought because the idea of not seeing them again made me incredibly sad, yet, a part of me was amazed at the fact that although I had spent very little time with him I was touched so deeply.
I will miss him, but I was lucky to know him.
It will not heal the loss quickly but it is realizations like this that are a bit of a "soul-painkiller" in times of sadness.
I wish to them who were closer to him and feel his loss more deeply than I do, to find these little pieces of relief while they come to terms with it; to him to be happy wherever he is, I am sure he is leading the party!
Now, a departure from the sadness and a bit of news about my art.
With my move happening I couldn't help but thinking of my BIGGEST MOVE EVER, when I left Italy.
Although Manchester feels like home, there are other places that have felt that way during my life which is why I am going to make a series of Art Works dedicated to those special corners of the world where my heart felt cosy and to belong.
The first one is published on this page, and of course is my Birth-Town and where I grew up: Rome.
There are other places who are just as dear to my heart and there will be there for more photos, stay tuned to find out which places are they some are more popular, some not so much, but maybe you'll appreciate their beauty just the same.
Be Blessed, through joy and sadness
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