Let's start with a piece of brutal honesty: you don't need to be an artist to doodle.
Matter of fact most people love to do it while they talk on the phone or while they listen to someone talking during an office meeting. I used to do it while reading tarot cards when I was working for a telephone services company.
It relaxed me and somehow made my attention sharper, not to mention it saved me more than once from falling asleep during lectures (I remember doodling a portrait of Attila on a friend's book while my teacher was talking about him, on and on she went while on and on I put finishing touches on the great Hun caricature I was doodling; it was hilarious and most of what she said about him I remembered it because I remember while I was doing the drawing, go figure).
Anyway, I don't know if any other artist had this happening to them, but occasionally, some of those doodles turn out to be awesome art, or even just nice. But most important is that they are not something you'd chuck in the bin once it's finished.
It is perhaps because we are relaxed while we do it, or because we just let it all out without "thinking it" too much; stroke by stroke, the perfectionist in us, overrides our thoughts without us noticing it and POP! We hang the phone after that long conversation with our mom and here it is a piece of magic between all those curls and lines, a piece of art that we wished we hadn't ruined with all the other stuff we scribbled around it, because it is actually a pretty nice art work.
Am I alone in this?
I mean, I am not Giotto but lately I have been a recurring doodling attack while listening to a radio show by my favourite musician, turned radio blogger Darren Hayes.
If you are into self development and positive thinking this is your guy by the way, actually this is your guy if you simply are into being alive and make the most of it.
But in short, this lad's show has me thinking a lot and while I do that, off the pencil goes!
He talks and I start doodling, and I am not really paying attention at what I doodle but after a few pretty turn outs I decided to keep some kind of scribbling device and draw away while I listen to him.
Most of the stuff is un-coherent scribble however I have occasionally produced something I felt like keeping, and even showing off.
I am going to show you a few of these drawings which have been created while listening to Mr Hayes show
Sometimes pretty artwork doesn't even require an incredible talent, sometimes our hand just follows our thoughts in its own original way and brings those feelings out on paper.
People should give it a try, while you are listening to something or watching something that is making you think; just keep some paper and a pen around; a tablet with a drawing app is good as well as you can see.
Watch what happens, some pieces might end up in the trash bin, but some will be worth keeping and they will tell you more about yourself than some hard thought art work that took you weeks to complete.
Happy doodling :)